To accompany and assist

The users' committee shares the duty of accompanying and assisting users with the institution's local service quality and complaints commissioner, as well as with regional community organizations created under section 76.6, AHSSS and mandated to provide assistance and accompaniment during the complaints procedure (CAAPs).


Thus, users have several players to choose from when they need help formulating a complaint or need to be accompanied throughout the procedure.

  • Facilitate access to information on the rights and obligations of users, and inform them of recourse options.
  • Give users contact information for the available resources – in particular, the public curator, the complaint assistance and accompaniment centre (CAAPs), community rights, advocacy groups – or documentation on these resources.
  • Help users formulate complaints verbally or in writing
  • Designate one or more committee members who have the skills required to formulate verbal or written complaints.
  • Where applicable, entrust the task to the resource person employed by the committee.
  • Refer users to the local service quality and complaints commissioner or to the regional complaint assistance and accompaniment centre.
  • Refer to the public curator any users under the public curator's jurisdiction.
  • Forge ties with the local service quality and complaints commissioner and the regional complaint assistance and accompaniment centre in order to coordinate the action of the various people involved.
  • Accompany users, on request, in any step they take, including the filing of a complaint.
  • Provide the relevant information to users who take steps.
  • Refer users to the resources in the sector, as necessary.
  • Accompany users when they meet with the institution's authorities

Source : Reference Framework for Exercising the Functions Assumed by Members of User’s Committees and In-Patients’ Committees, Direction des communications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, 2018